23 April, 2010

Happy Friday... Flowers for Isabelle.

Happy Friday! I can't even begin to tell you how surreal this week has been for me [us] with the birth of our gorgeous little girl Isabelle, our life compass has certainly adjusted direction! Although not the best photography {but still god bless the iPhone!} here are some pics I took of the stunning full head scented roses my darling aunt Adele, uncle Jim & cousins Claudia & Luke, sent Isabelle & I from Grandiflora to celebrate her arrival - it just seemed perfect for Flowers for Friday on Palatial Living!
Here's to your wonderful weekend ahead & although mine will be spent in hospital - it will be none the less shared with our darling daughter, Isabelle, and lovely friends & family popping by to meet her! Take care, and a BIG thank you for all your support and kind wishes for our little girl. S xxx

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful flowers and congrats on your new daughter! Life will be topsy-turvy now but full of joy - so enjoy. Jane
