I also got to see all the efforts she had put in to implementing the colour consulting - with all the rooms & trim newly painted, a kitchen splash back with updated tile colour - it looks so very hot, and new cabinetry hardware! Wow - with these changes it looks like a new contemporary -sophisticated- family friendly home... by seeing these parts of the project implemented it really helps me feel like I [Verandah H&G LS] has been able to contribute positively to this client & her family's life - aesthetically & practically. Hopefully in the next couple of months I will have some photos of this project that I can share with you on Palatial Living & Verandah H& LS...
So if you have some Halloween plans for Saturday I hope that you have a ghoulishly good time! If not I am sure you'll have a fabulous time over the weekend... Here in Sydney it's supposed to be amazing weather which I am very grateful for all my 'outdoor' Birthday plans!
Here's to your weekend - thanks for stopping by again this week at Palatial Living...Enjoy & Take Care. S xxx
Images from Country Living & Southern Living.